Steam Curing System
Steam Curing Equipment, Curing Machine, Curing Solution
Equipped with a manufacture programmable system and automatic data collecting system, the steam curing system is an ideal choice for curing concrete poles. The curing system has a strict control over the manufacture environment temperature and shows the temperature changes in a temperature-time curve graph. Besides, the steam curing system has such functions as data record, data query, data storage and table printing.
A strict standard for curing temperature and time has been set. The curing time is 4 hours and the curing temperature varies from different processing stages. The steam curing system by Haiyu Industry conducts automatic temperature control due to the intelligent control system.
Various fuel materials can be used, like fuel oil, natural gas and coal.
More Details about Steam Curing System-
Combustion engine
Entire steam curing system
Water treatment equipment