4-Chlorophenoxy acetic acid (4-CPA)

4-Chlorophenoxy Acetic Acid (4-CPA)

4-chlorophenoxy acetic acid is an important plant growthregulator in a white crystalline powder.


Absorbed by plant via root, stem, leaf, bloom and fruit, 4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid can prevent drop of bloom and fruit, inhibit rooting of beans,promote fruit set, induce formation of seedless fruit.  Also use in ripening and fruit thinning.  4-chlorophenoxy acetic acid performs betterwhen used in combination with 0.1% mono potassiumphosphate.


Appearance:  Whitecrystalline powder
Assay:  4-Chlorophenoxy acetic acid(4-CPA) 99% min
Loss on drying:  0.5% max

Topusing is a China 4-chlorophenoxy acetic acidmanufacturer and supplier.  We offer4-chlorophenoxy acetic acid, and dipotassium phosphate, zinc sulphatemonohydrate.  Our high quality productsare offered at competitive prices. Topusing is located in China,and the full chain of manufacturing calcium cyanamide, betain, can be completedin China,even in one city.  Lower manufacturingcost saves your purchasing cost.  Themore details of each product are shown on the page with description.

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