Gibberellic acid 90%

GibberellicAcid 90%

One of the most widely usedplant growth regulator to stimulate and accelerate metabolism and cell divisionin plant tissues. In white crystal powder.


One of the most widely used plant growth regulators in agriculture,forestry and horticulture. Gibberellic acid has the following physiological functions:  inducing monogenetic reproduction, stimulate fruit settingand growing, breaking dormancy of seeds and accelerating germination, promotingstem elongation, and enlarging leaf surface. Gibberellic acid can help accumulationof metabolites in phloem, activate cambium.  Apply at full flowering,gibberellicacid can prevent the formation of deformed fruits or the reduction ofproductivity in the following year, limit damages caused by frosts atflowering.


Gibberellic acid 90%
Molecular formula:  C19H22O6
Appearance:  White crystal powder
Assay of GA3:  90% min
Loss on drying:  1.0% max
Specific optical rotation [a]20D: 75°min

Topusing is a Chinagibberellic acid manufacturer and supplier.  We offer gibberellic acid,and lithium chloride, magnesium nitrate. Our high quality products areoffered at competitive prices.  Topusing is located in China, and the full chainof manufacturing EDTA Na4.4H2O, potassium humate powder, can be completed in China,even in one city.  Lower manufacturing cost saves your purchasingcost.  The more details of each product are shown on the page withdescription.

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