Construction Machinery

Construction Machinery
Construction Machinery
Construction Machinery
Construction Machinery
Construction Machinery
Construction Machinery
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Target Customers
Production machinery manufacturers, construction machinery parts manufacturers, animal farming equipment manufacturers, and compression mold and injection mold suppliers

Valued Partners
Sany, Foton Motor, and Foton Heavy-Duty Truck

Scope of Services
Haiyee is a leading Chinese manufacturer of injection molds, compression molds and molded construction machinery parts. With more than 14 years of experience in tooling design and construction, we provide the following mold services to meet customer needs.
1. Design, manufacturing, inspection, installation, and servicing of injection molds and compression molds.
2. If customers request, we can take on low to high volume molded parts production, delivering quality injection molded construction machinery parts, SMC fiberglass parts, and compression molded parts.

Molded Construction Machinery Parts
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