Rail Transport

Rail Transport
Rail Transport
Rail Transport
Rail Transport
Rail Transport
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Target Customers
Upstream and downstream sectors of the rail transport industry, including train and high-speed rail parts manufacturers, train assembly plants, train repair shops, and train parts dealerships.

Valued Partners
CSR Sifang Co., Ltd. (a highly-reputed train and high-speed rail manufacturer in China)

Scope of Services
As a major injection mold and compression mold manufacturer in China, Haiyee provides quality molds and molded parts that customers can be proud of.
1. Based on the design of the train part, we manufacture, inspect, install and service compression molds and injection molds.
2. We take on train parts projects for customers with no or limited in-house molding capabilities. Components we make include train window frames, bathroom fixtures, seats, bathroom sinks, instrument panels, handrails, tables, compartment walls, and ceilings.

Mold Tools

Molded Parts
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