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Based on the raw materials and manufacturing resources here at Sifon, we provide our customers with molybdenum alloy products and tungsten alloy products, including alloy targets and specialized alloys. Each refractory product has a high purity rate, and product specifications can be customized according to customer requirements.

Molybdenum Alloy Sputtering Target

With the improvement of the electronics industry in terms of overall performance and trial environmental requirements, molybdenum sputtering targets were running into problems with corrosion (discoloration) and adhesion (film peeling). To prevent that, we have added tungsten, vanadium, niobium, tantalum, and other alloy elements into the molybdenum target material, so that various properties (impedance ratio, stress, and corrosion resistance) of the sputtered films all meet a balanced state.

Tungsten Alloy Products

In addition for use in the manufacturing of carbide alloys and like alloy additives, tungsten and its alloys are widely used in electronics, electric lights, aerospace, casting, weaponry and other industries. It is also used for the production of rocket nozzles, casting molds, armor piercing bullets, heating elements and heat shields, among others.

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